Last year I shared with you my Homeschool for FREE list and then updated it in January this year. I have been feeling a little frustrated with it's length and it's been difficult to find the information I want in it so this week I will be sharing shorter lists divided into subject areas.
With the advent of the internet and the generosity of many homeschool mothers there are some amazing resources available for us today.
What is Fine Art
Definition of FINE ART
- art (as painting, sculpture, or music) concerned primarily with the creation of beautiful objects —usually used in plural b : objects of fine art
- an activity requiring a fine skill
On this blog

- Artist Study {Claude Monet} this is a complete unit study. I plan on adding more to this series over the next few years.
- Sponge Painting Tutorial
- Fresco Painting Tutorial
- Nails, Wood & String
- Upcycled Nativity
- Carnival of the Animals at Melbourne Zoo
Books we love
(Libraries are an excellent resource to teach for FREE)
- The Usborne ART Treasury
- Finger Print Drawing Book
- Global Art
- The Usborne Book of Famous Paintings
- Katie and the Waterlily Pond
- Katie and the Mona Lisa
- The Children's Book of ART
- Handel: At the Court of Kings
On Pinterest
- Artists Study
- Composer Study
- Music
- Art
- Art - Kids Craft Ideas
- Art - Egg boxes
- Art - Ice cream sticks
- Art - upcycled toilet rolls
- Art - Paper Bag adventures
- Art - Paper Plate
- Hymn Study
- Barb- Harmony Fine Arts Mom
- Jimmie Lanley - Jimmies Collage and Notebook Fairy
- Erica from Confessions of a Homeschooler
- Ticia from Adventures in Mommydom
- Tabitha Philen from Meet Penny
- Joy Forney from Fracefull Mama
- Courtney from Women Living Well
- Maureen Spell from Spell Out Loud
- Jolanthe from over at Homeschool Creations
- Carisa from over at 1 plus 1 plus1
- Homeschool Art without breaking the bank
- John Muir Laws On Line Drawing Tutor. Drawing Birds
- John Muir Laws On Line Drawing Tutor: Drawing Plants (YouTube Clips) & PDF's
- John Muir Laws On Line Drawing Tutor: Field Sketching Euipment.
- John Muir Laws On Line Drawing Tutor: How to draw mammals.
- Masterpiece Art Instruction
- Homeschool Share Fine Arts Connections
- Donna Young - ART
- DLTK Crafts for Kids
- Scissor Crafts for children
- Activity Village
- Crayola
- Artists Helping Children Many ideas here which can be sorted by holiday, item, or theme.
- 10 Days of Teaching Music
- 5 Days of Teaching Music Appreciation
- Famous Musicians
- Famous Artisits
- Hymn Study
- Artists Study
- Composer Study
- Music
- Print-a-palooza
- Dick Blick Lessons
- Meet the Masters
- Virtual Art Student
- Free Online Art Classes
- Virtual Instructor
- Pencil Drawing Lessons
- Drawing Lessons
- Garden of Praise Art Appreciation
- Jan Brett How to Draw
- Harmony Fine Arts Music Appreciation
- Music Theory
- My Music Theory
- Garden of Praise Keyboard Lessons
- Music in Our World
- Art
- Music
- Squidoo Art Resources
- See The Light have some FREE lessons.
Mary from over at Homegrown Learners has some great FREE SQUILT lessons on her blog to get you started.
- Free Tchaikovsky SQUILT lesson and Notebooking Download
- Nutcracker Unit Study includes listening links, notebooking pages, ideas for teaching, and much more.
- Music In Your Homeschool With SQUILT ~ Lesson 1
- Music In Your Homeschool With SQUILT ~ Lesson 2/Big Band & The King of Swing
- Music In Your Homeschool With SQUILT ~ Lesson 3
- Going West/Music for Our Great Field Trip - SQUILT Lesson #4
- Fun and Easy Halloween Music Study (SQUILT Lesson 5)
- SQUILT Lesson #6 - Mozart's 12 Variations on "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
- Learn About An Epic Piece of Music (SQUILT Lesson #7)
- Vivaldi's Spring (SQUILT lesson #8)
- Superhero Fun (Music, Reading, LEGO) & Squilt Lesson #9
- Music History and Notebooking for The Birds - SQUILT Lesson #10
- Deep Space Sparkle inspiring children one colour at a time. Love this site so many great FREE ideas and regularly updated.
- The Crafty Crow
- Barb over at Harmony Fine Arts
- Jimmie from Jimmie's Collage.
Artist Study
Composer Study - Nadene over at Practical Pages.
Famous Musicians
Famous Artisits
Hymn Study - Erica over at Confessions of a Homeschooler
World's Greatest Artists
Music - Mary over at Home Grown Learners
What are some of your favourite FREE resources for teaching art, art appreciation, studying the Masters in art or music? Leave a link in the comments and I will add them to the list

- Ellen @ Grace Tells Another Story ~ Making Homeschooling Fun! - “And the Oscar goes to….!”
- Marcy @ Ben and Me ~ Helping Children in Uganda — Pity or Compassion?
- Wendy @ Simplicity Breeds Happiness -- International Meals - Italian Chicken Cacciatore (Recipe)
- Melanie @ FinchNWren ~ FinchNWren's Fabulous Family Movies - Family Devotions
- Sarah @ Delivering Grace ~ Learning about England - the countryside
- Victoria @ Homemaking with Heart ~ Keeping a Nature Journal
- Joanie @ Simple Living Mama ~ A Typical Day in a Charlotte Mason Preschool
- Gwen @ Tolivers to Texas ~ A Happy, Peaceful Home - Marital Harmony ...
FREE Stamp graphic courtesy: Stuart Miles